Tech Rider
l. Theatrical needs:
a. Lighting Equipment
Lighting Designer
2. Specials
3. Follow spots
b. Sound Equipment
Sound Designer
2. Amps
3. Keyboard
c. Front of House Staff
1 usher
2. 1 Stage manager
d. Publicity
Sound system requirements and details
Please note: This is an estimate - size and number of speakers in part 4 could vary according to each specific space. Cables, power adaptors and wireless solutions may be adapted according to best solution in each venue.
Apple Macbook Pro Retina 15”
Midas Pro 1 Mixing Console Surface 40in-27out
Sound card:
Minimum of 8 channel output
Part 1:
location 1 (cables and power according to distances in venue)
Sound source: 2 channel playback
2 x Meyer Sound CQ-2 (optional if small space: Meyer Sound CQ junior)
Part 2:
location 2
Sound source: 3 live musicians: keyboard, bass and vocal
1 Ampeg bass amp
1 Fender twin reverb amp
1 AER compact acoustic amp + tall microphone stand
1 Shure Beta 58A Dynamic Microphone + tall microphone stand w/tripod legs and boom
Part 4:
location 4 (cables and power according to distances in venue)
Sound source: 2-4 channel playback (depending on space layout)
4 x Meyer Sound CQ-2
2 x Meyer Sound 600-HP Subwoofer 2x15”
Find a downloadable pdf here